Enkele dagen geleden kon je lezen over het openhartige artikel op mijn blog rond crowdfunding (intussen heb ik geleerd dat het officieel uit 1 woord bestaat). Na vele reacties van volgers op social media ben ik er dan eindelijk uit!
‘Mommy, how did I get here? Well, I mean, where do I come from?’ As soon as the child hits the ballparc of these kind of questions the motherhood drops down to zero. An explanation about the bees & the flowers
Every family has it’s own traditions with Christmas and so do we. The night before Christmas day we always go to church,….. I am not kidding! This Pink Rebel is actually praying and listening to the preacher and this year
It has always been there and lots of people we know have (had) one. So we are not shocked when someone says they have a relationship like that. Although this week was somewhat shocked, well not really shocked but impressed!