
De impact van stress en angst in tijden van (Corona)crisis: Wat doet het met ons (brein) en wat kunnen we eraan doen? Ons hoofd doet ook aan thuiswerk…en dan vooral in de vorm van overuren. En die lijken in eerste

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July 1, 2018

Vaarwel Giant

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Je dook de wereld in als een avonturier met een bodemloze put. Niets was voor jou te gek, je leefde onbevreesd en zocht diepe dalen op in de zee tussen de haaien en beklom de hoogste toppen met ‘twee vingers

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Shifting gears, remember that article on my Pink Rebel Blog? If not, read it! Cause it explains how I am feeling right now. Yes, I am shifting my gears again, just like we all do. My gearbox was not fully

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Life as a Pink Rebel is not Always a party! You might think so, but I would be a big ‘fat’ liar! Now I write a lot about what I believe in but in real life I seem to make a

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PART 4 It was one of these days,…The radio was playing really loud in the office,….We were all ‘jamming’ along with the music and we had fun, lots of fun. Yes, it was a great day! Just until our next

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December 15, 2015


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As soon as you feel upbeat and happy you might smile at every person you encounter. But what if you feel depressed, mad even?! Do you show this emotion towards any person that you meet during the day. I guess

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