Talent factory

Uiteindelijk sleepte ik mijzelf door een loeizware periode. Ik telde wekelijks af naar het weekend waar ik mij letterlijk en figuurlijk kon verdrinken in drank & overmatig voedsel consumeerde. Ik wilde soelaas voelen.  Ik had de behoefte om weg te

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PART 4 It was one of these days,…The radio was playing really loud in the office,….We were all ‘jamming’ along with the music and we had fun, lots of fun. Yes, it was a great day! Just until our next

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Last week you could read my article about my strong ambition to compete with Mister Branson! Didn’t you read it? Well, here you go…Pink Rebel vs Branson PART 3 After two years I had eight wild & crazy people permanently

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