Shifting gears, remember that article on my Pink Rebel Blog? If not, read it! Cause it explains how I am feeling right now. Yes, I am shifting my gears again, just like we all do. My gearbox was not fully
Enkele dagen geleden kon je lezen over het openhartige artikel op mijn blog rond crowdfunding (intussen heb ik geleerd dat het officieel uit 1 woord bestaat). Na vele reacties van volgers op social media ben ik er dan eindelijk uit!
Sometimes you have to know when to stop and I mean this quite figuratively. If you do not stop for a red light, you get a big fine (and I know, because I am the main sponsor of the police).
When you look, you do not always see! Nothing is what it looks like in life. As a child I wanted to be famous, because I thought that people would love me and cherish me wherever I would go. But after
‘Mommy, how did I get here? Well, I mean, where do I come from?’ As soon as the child hits the ballparc of these kind of questions the motherhood drops down to zero. An explanation about the bees & the flowers
As we walk & talk we are all conscious of our behavior and we all wear masks to cover our vulnerability. We are taught by manners and by experiences that is more secure to ‘hide’ ourselves from the world. The