In the time that the movie “You’ve got mail” was a hype I had an experience of my own… OMG! Dating online was new, fresh and very sexy….. Right?!
In the time that the movie “You’ve got mail” was a hype I had an experience of my own… OMG! Dating online was new, fresh and very sexy….. Right?!
Hahahaha funny Pink Rebel!!
Hahahaha grappige Roze Rebel “bedoel ik” ;-)))))))))))))))
You crazy you!!!!!! 😉
Hahahaa, that reminds me of those days when I used to be a member of a dating site!
The reason why I started to do this is because I wanted to meet new men (duh!) My city is like a big village, so I thought : Let’s look a “little bit further” ! The first steps on the dating site were a bit scary but exciting. Yes, there are some nutcases, perverts and weirdos on these dating sites but you recognize them very quickly once you start chatting with them. So you block them and they can’t contact you anymore! But there are also nice guys who are not just there to chase some pussy.
I’ve met men from my city, my country and I even travelled abroad to meet them!
Never had a bad experience! Some were super nice, some were cool, one was quite boring.
I was quite adventurous back then and I look back with a smile to that dating period. Maybe I didn’t meet the Big Love that way, but I did meet good guys and it was great fun.
That was my experience 😉
That sounds funny!!! Love the way you share it 😉 You are funny 😉
A little anecdote about one of the guys I’ve met…. He is an anaesthetist and he had told me in which hospital he works. We had only one dinner date and I felt he was not my type of man eventhough he is intelligent and a gentleman. Just not my cup of tea. I politely didn’t execpt another date.
But…a few years later, I had to have surgery…in the hospital where he works… And I thought : “Damn, I hope he’s not going to be the anaesthetist! Naaah…probably not! He’s not the only doctor in that hospital who puts patients asleep…”
There I was, on that table of the operating room ready to have the surgery. I looked around and didn’t see him. Great! Won’t be him then! Until I heard footsteps coming in and a voice saying : “Goodmorning, Mrs …, my name is Doctor …. , I’m the anaesthetist.” OMG,it was him!!! Hahahaha! He sat down next to me, took my hand, I bearly looked at him, and he injected the stuff to put me asleep. He didn’t mention anything like “hey, haven’t we met before?!” Luckily he didn’t. I don’t know if he recognized me or remembered my name.
You know, sometimes people say funny things or say exactly what they think when they are under anaesthesia – when they are about to fall asleep or when they are waking up – well I hope I didn’t say anything embarrassing…ouccchhh !! LOL 😉
OMG what a story!!!! Love it!!!!!