
Shifting gears, remember that article on my Pink Rebel Blog? If not, read it! Cause it explains how I am feeling right now. Yes, I am shifting my gears again, just like we all do. My gearbox was not fully

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December 15, 2015


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As soon as you feel upbeat and happy you might smile at every person you encounter. But what if you feel depressed, mad even?! Do you show this emotion towards any person that you meet during the day. I guess

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As your Monday awaits again, I want to give you a mental push in the positive atmosphere! So, read and complete my dear friend! Enjoy this new, fresh week…Make it happen! I already had some great news on business side so

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I am scared, very scared! You are knocking on my door, every single day. And every day I choose to open the door or not. But you seem to be to powerful. I am not as strong as you, yet…

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